How Websites Work

A live masterclass to take your website from hardly working to working hard - giving you everything you need to be the interior designer and architect of your business’s intentionally-designed web presence.


Your website is your storefront on the digital high street.

It’s your virtual office space on the high rise of the internet.

Would you welcome your customers and clients into an empty room, naked lightbulb, and dust bunnies floating around the cold concrete floor?

If you answered no, then welcome.

(If you answered yes, please email me so I can stage an intervention on behalf of your customers.)

It’s time to learn how to structure your website so your business can get the most out of it.

If you…

  • Feel like your website is a digital doom pile in your business

  • Are frustrated with the results you’re getting from your website at the moment

  • Want to get more traffic and visibility to your website

  • Don’t know what kind of pages and content you should be creating, or how often

  • Think your website could do with a spring clean, but it feels overwhelming

… Then How Websites Work is for you!

What: How Websites Work Masterclass

📅 When: Wednesday, 15th May at 3pm UK - 10am Eastern - 7am Pacific

📍 Where: Online!


During this workshop, we will…

  • Define your goals for your website, so you can measure how successfully your website is supporting your business goals and growth

  • Reframe the way you think about your website to make SEO and content less complicated and easier to get out into the world

  • Walk through the different types of pages your website should have, and the roles they perform in your business (including visual templates to help you see how to structure them)

  • Map out the architecture of your website, so you can see where the gaps are for creating content during the rest of the year

  • Improve the navigation and internal linking of your website so your ideal customers can get to your offers more easily

  • Understand the technical components that make up your website, and which metrics you should keep an eye on throughout the year (and where to find them).

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  • I’m aiming for it to be around 90 minutes of workshop time (which will include a mix of teaching and you taking action!), and then 30+ minutes for questions. This is not a masterclass where you come and learn, and then go and do. It’s more of a workshop format, where you will be learning and doing at the same time!

  • … Yes, but you’ll get them at the start of the session, too! So everything you need to feel confident about your website moving forward. The replay will be edited into more digestible sections and timestamped.

  • Yes - whether you’re spring cleaning your website, demolishing it and rebuilding because it’s got termites, or starting a brand new website and wanting guidance, the content in this Masterclass is going to help you feel energised and excited every time you think about updating your website.

  • Yes - my trainings are always technically generic - so you can come along regardless of what website platform you’re using.

  • Yes - due to the workshop format of my trainings, there will be space for you to get input as you take action. The chat is always busy and any questions that aren’t relevant to that particular moment will be circled back to during the Q&A session at the end.