Confident Content in 2024: Keyword Research & Content Strategy for the Next Era of the Internet


The internet in 2024 can feel exhausting.

Things are changing rapidly, and the “can/should/must” do tactics are being updated at a rate even professional marketers struggle to keep up with.

So if you’re a solo business owner, or you have a small team, how can you keep creating content confidently in 2024 and beyond?

Instead of shouting into the void to hear a whisper of engagement in return, how can you be having exciting, dynamic conversations with your audience?

In this workshop, we’re going to look at how you can confidently create content in a way that is resilient to the changing algorithms of the internet and helps you show up, and create meaningful, valuable conversations with your customers and potential customers regardless of what the future holds.

So if you… 

  • Struggle to understand which keywords will attract your ideal audience

  • Feel overwhelmed by the thought of planning a long-term content strategy

  • Want to increase your visibility and engagement online but don’t know how

  • Are tired of guessing what content will work and what won’t

  • Want to future-proof your content against the ever-changing algorithms

… Then join me for this brand new workshop to help you get content confident.

What: Confident Content in 2024: Keyword Research & Content Strategy for the Next Era of the Internet

📅 When: Wednesday, 29th May at 4pm UK - 11am Eastern - 8am Pacific

📍 Where: Online!


During this training you will…

  • Understand the landscape of future internet trends and how they affect search behaviour and content consumption.

  • Build a resilient content strategy, and get the frameworks you need to plan your content for impact and consistency throughout this year and beyond.

  • Research keywords based on your customers’ needs and journeys instead of relying on historic, outdated methods.

  • Create a clear plan for your content to resonate with your ideal audience across multiple channels.

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  • I’m aiming for it to be around 90 minutes of workshop time (which will include a mix of teaching and you taking action!), and then 30+ minutes for questions. This is not a masterclass where you come and learn, and then go and do. It’s more of a workshop format, where you will be learning and doing at the same time!

  • … Yes, but you’ll get them at the start of the session, too! So everything you need to get stuck into your quiz - whether it’s picking up an existing quiz that you never finished, or creating one from scratch - will be provided, and then you’ll get access to the replays and resources afterwards.

    The replay will be edited into more digestible sections and timestamped.

  • Yes! They’re really great for engagement, so adding them to your website, mentioning them in your emails, and promoting them on social media tends to convert well - because it’s offering semi-personalised value to your audience (making it much more helpful to them than a regular lead magnet, because they’re getting more contextual advice).

  • Yes - if you’ve never designed a quiz funnel before, this will be an actionable workshop that helps you get one out into the world without getting stuck in the complexity and overthinking that quiz funnels can often bring!

    You feel comfortable with setting up the quiz in your chosen quiz software, and you should know what you want to sell.

  • Yes - my trainings are always industry- and business model-generic - so you can come along regardless of what niche you’re working in, and regardless of whether you sell services, digital products, or physical products.

  • Yes - due to the workshop format of my trainings, there will be space for you to get input as you take action. The chat is always busy and any questions that aren’t relevant to that particular moment will be circled back to during the Q&A session at the end.